Promises: a 40-day devotional


God’s Promise:
I will give you life as you give me your heart.

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.
- Proverbs 4:23 (NLT)

Fake news has become the mantra of mainstream media these days. Who should we be listening to? What should we be watching? Where should we be turning? These are the questions most of us are struggling with as we look for answers.

We all know the old adage: “What goes in will come out.” Many of us have heard our parents say this to caution us in choosing what we watch, listen to, or who we spend our time with. God promises to give us a full and abundant life if we allow Him to guard our hearts. He gives us three simple steps in Proverbs 4.

First, we need a steady diet of God’s Word flowing into our minds. God uses His Word to build a wall of wisdom around our hearts.

The second thing we need to do is a simple step: stay away from perverse talk and corrupt speech. Just as acid corrodes metal, corrupt talk corrodes the heart. He wants us to dwell on truth that lasts beyond the next trend or hit television series.

God also instructs us to avoid following evil people and imitating their lifestyles. He promises us that if we will guard our hearts from the corruption of the world and seek His face by studying the Bible and talking with Him, He will give us a full and abundant life.

Action Step:
I will choose carefully what I watch, listen to, and say to keep my heart pure; I will guard my heart.