Promises: a 40-day devotional


God’s Promise:
I will use you to speak life into others
and build them up.

Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. - Proverbs 16:24 (NLT)

The tongue is a powerful tool. With it we have the ability to breathe both life and death into others. The Bible says the tongue is like a fire (James 3:6). As a fire, the tongue can purify and cleanse or even become like a surgeon’s laser to heal. However, the tongue can also burn to wound and destroy. Our words can serve as a healing balm or as a weapon of destruction.

When led by the Holy Spirit, we can speak with kindness, wisdom, and love, offering words that build up, encourage, or comfort. These are the words that are sweet to the soul and bring health for the body.

When led by our flesh, we can speak with hate, anger, or bitterness, offering words that hurt or tear down. The Bible says these kinds of words are set on by the fires of hell.

Once spoken, our words can never be taken back. They are sealed forever in the annals of the human heart. With that in mind, we have the opportunity in every conversation to allow the loving-kindness of Jesus to permeate our every word, a gift as sweet as honey.

Action Step:
I will speak with kindness to others, understanding that God can use me to be an encourager.