Celebrate Easter at Crossgates
We have so much to celebrate! Our Savior is risen, and He is actively involved in every part of our lives. Invite Him in to shape your story—however your story started. Because of Jesus, God can use you in His perfect plan!
Easter Service Dates & Times
Saturday, April 19, at 5 PM
Sunday, April 20, at 8, 9:30 & 11 AM
On Saturday and Sunday on Easter weekend, we'll gather both in person and online for a special Easter service as we celebrate the sacrifice that covered our sins once and for all. Gather with us in the Worship Center on Saturday and Sunday, or choose our livestream experience during the 9:30 & 11 AM Sunday services.
We will have activities available for Kindergarten & under during all services... and we have a special activity bag provided for all 1st-5th graders when you enter the Worship Center.
Each service is identical, so pick the best time for your family and bring a friend.
All Online Campus services will feature live chat where you can gather digitally with us to discuss the message, connect with others, and even share prayer requests.
Easter is a great weekend to visit for the first time. You can find directions to our campus here, and we'll make it easy to find a parking spot with our amazing parking team! When you get here, make sure to let us know it's your first time so we can help you with any questions you may have.