Promises: a 40-day devotional


God’s Promise:
I will answer your prayer because you are my friend.

The Lord replied to Moses, “I will indeed do what you have asked, for I look favorably on you, and I know you by name.” - Exodus 33:17 (NLT)

Moses was known to speak to God “as a friend speaks with a friend”. The people of God, as much as they loved him, believed wholeheartedly that Moses was in a different category than themselves when it came to speaking to God. What an honor to know that the God who made you bends an ear to listen. In fact, to know that He not only listens but cares enough to act on our behalf.

How much more can that be said of followers of Jesus! Jesus’ great work on the cross not only makes us innocent before God our Judge, but favorable with God our Friend. Jesus himself made this clear in John 15 when He tells us “No longer do I call you servants...but I have called you friends”. If Jesus has made us His friends, then we should trust Him to answer us with our best interest in mind.

When we pray, we don’t simply pray with the confidence that God hears, but with the confidence that we are praying to someone who deeply cares. God cares about us enough to befriend us and give us exactly what we need.

Action Step:
I will talk to God and be vulnerable with Him because He is my friend.