Promises: a 40-day devotional


God’s Promise:
I will be your strength when you are weak.

Each time he said “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weakness, so that the power of Christ can work through me. - 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NLT)

Weakness is something we all tend to shy away from. We don’t like to even speak of it, and we do everything we can to avoid it being true of us. We certainly don’t trend towards mirroring the apostle Paul’s statement of, “I am glad to boast in my weakness.” Some of us battle pride, while others, insecurities. However it manifests, none of us like to describe ourselves as unable, incapable, or insufficient. Those words conjure a picture of us that we dislike greatly because it highlights our frailty and finiteness. This Scripture is a great comfort to those who not only feel weak but hesitate to admit it.

How does Jesus feel about us when we are weak? Is He rolling his eyes thinking, “If they would just get it together!” Is He running away, perhaps hoping to find someone less messy, more stable? To both of these we gladly say no. This promise shows us that our frailty does not push Jesus away but draws Him close to give us grace. The Friend of Sinners is not annoyed by our infirmities; rather, He delights to bring His power through them. In fact, our weaknesses may be the greatest glow of God’s power in our lives - He is just waiting for us to bring them to Him.

Action Step:
I will trust in God’s power, and I will expect God’s power to show itself strong when I am at my weakest.