
4.     Need Quick tips for Gospel Conversations?

A gospel conversation is any dialogue you have with someone about spiritual matters aimed at engaging unbelievers to consider the truths of the gospel. Below are some quick tips to help you seek to share the good news of Jesus with others
  • Pray – Without the help of the Holy Spirit, our conversations will not make much eternal difference. Some ways you can pray to the Lord:
  • Open my eyes to see this person the way do
  • Open a door of opportunity to talk about spiritual matters
  • Open my mouth to share what you would have me to
  • Open the heart of this person to receive what is being shared
  • Listen – We need to be listening to the Holy Spirit for how to direct the conversation. We also need to be listening to the other person to really hear what they are saying. Gospel conversations are not rehearsed presentations. People have unique backgrounds and circumstances as part of their story. As we listen to people, we can discern how to turn ordinary conversations into gospel conversations.
  • Ask Questions – “How can I pray for you?” “What is your religious background?” “Do you ever think about spiritual things?’ “Would you consider yourself being near or far from God?” Sometimes you can find out a lot from just asking simple questions. Questions like these are great ways to turn a conversation toward spiritual matters. Be ready to listen well and ask follow-up questions.
  • Share Your Story – When talking with others, sharing your testimony of what Jesus has done in your life can be very powerful. You don’t have to have a dramatic salvation story to impact others. Share how Jesus saved you. Share how you have trusted Jesus through the good and bad times. Share the difference your faith makes in your everyday life. Share how the Lord has brought you through difficulty. Share the assurance you have that your sins have been forgiven. Share how you know you have a place reserved in heaven because of Jesus. Share how the Lord has transformed others in our faith family or brought them through difficult. Just share.
  • Be Authentic – A majority of people come to faith through the influence of a friend, family member, neighbor, or co-worker. So look for ways to invest in the people in your circles of influence. But don’t treat people as only a spiritual project. Show genuine concern for others. And when they don’t respond favorably to spiritual dialogue, don’t be discouraged. Continue to pray for them and consider ways to point them toward Christ.
  • Look for Next Steps – Look for ways to continue talking with a person about spiritual matters. Maybe ask them to read a passage in the Bible so you can discuss it later. Or send them a sermon or video to watch and then discuss later. If they shared a prayer need, let the person know you will be praying for them and then check with them in a few days to see how things are going. Invite the person to worship or attend a LifeGroup. Ask the person if they are willing to take a step closer in seeking a relationship with the Lord.