Serve with Worship

“Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.” Colossians 3:16

Middle School Choir Leadership Team


•Coach, mentor, and encourage student worshippers as they learn about worship, vocal techniques, worship leadership, and engage in service opportunities.


•Worship. Attend at least one full service. It is vital that we engage with the people we will be leading, and also sit under the preaching and authority of the Pastor.

•Prepare in prayer. Ask the Lord to use you to pour His life and love into these students. Pray for the Lord to give you a servant’s heart as you minister. Saturate everything we do with prayer.

•Cultivate and steward God-centered, distraction-free atmosphere for people to encounter the living Jesus and His life-changing presence through worship, music, and the creative arts.

•Be on time. Rehearsal time is precious. Be sure to come to the Music Suite as soon as Sunday morning services let out in order to be ready for students’ arrival.

•Bring the fun. Middle School Worship Choir is fast paced and high energy. Let the joy and light of the Lord show through you as you engage with students through music, games, and conversations.

•Communicate. Let your team leader know if you will be out or need a replacement.

•Serve with passion, commitment, and excellence. Commit yourself wholeheartedly to each middle school choir season (7-8 weeks) and give your best as we invite the Holy Spirit to work with, in, and through us for His glory. If you need to take a break for a season or this team is not a good fit, let your team leader know. We are here to walk this journey with you!