The Parables: Images of God’s Kingdom - The Lost Sheep & Lost Coin

Sep 27, 2023    Brad Randall

In this weeks study, Brad discusses the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin, emphasizing several key points:

Jesus chases after sinners: The parables illustrate how Jesus actively seeks out those who are lost and in need of salvation. He pursues sinners with the intention of bringing them back to Him, demonstrating His love and care for them.

He cares for the 99: While Jesus goes after the one lost sheep or coin, He does not neglect or abandon the 99 who are safe. This highlights His concern for all, emphasizing that those who are righteous still matter to Him.

Heaven rejoices: The parables emphasize the immense joy and celebration in heaven when even one sinner repents and turns to God. This celebration underscores the preciousness and worth that God places on each individual.

God's love for the lost: The parables illustrate how God values and treasures those who are lost, much like a precious coin or sheep. His love and pursuit of the lost reflect His desire for repentance and salvation.

Overall, the parables highlight God's relentless pursuit of sinners, His care for all, and the incredible celebration that occurs in heaven when a lost soul is found and restored.