“Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” Psalm 8:1-2
•Commit 1.5 hours on Wednesday nights, in addition to some time during the week for preparations as needed.
•Plan overview of weekly meetings by semester; include the Small Group Leaders/Co-Leaders in planning.
•Teach kids about God, Jesus, and the Bible through music using fun and creative methods.
•Choose songs for your age group to learn based on the theme/presentation of the semester.
•Provide a list of songs to the KingSingers Coordinator to be loaded to media resources, and provide a list of needs to them that you would like for your choir.
•Worship. Regularly attend and actively engage in our church-wide worship services, and commit to grow as a Christian in all facets of life.
•Prepare in prayer. Pray for God’s heart for people every time you serve. Ask God how you can put someone else at ease, for the Lord to use you today, and how you can most authentically demonstrate His love.
•Serve when scheduled. Let your KingSingers director know in advance if you are going to be out.
•Be on time. Consistently arrive to your room at least 15 minutes before the beginning of KingSingers.
•Dress appropriately. Dress in a manner that would honor Christ and not distract others or cause them to stumble. Crossgates KingSingers shirts are available for all volunteers.
•Serve with passion, commitment, and excellence. We want you serving in your gifts and passions; in ministry that is an overflow of love and enjoyable to you. If this ministry is not a fit, if you would like to investigate a new ministry team or if you need a break from serving for a season, please let our staff know. We’d love to pray with you and for you in any way we can.